Canadian Organizations


DISCLAIMER - We endeavour to provide links to helpful organizations for people searching for information related to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. However, the links to organizations listed below are provided as resource information only. We have not vetted this information, nor do we endorse these organizations or their opinions. Some of these organizations have links and disclaimers of their own. Please properly vet all information that you obtain online and read all website disclaimers. For any medical advice, consult your family physician or medical specialists.

AREC provides health and safety consulting, including hazardous material surveys and asbestos inspections throughout Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. All asbestos building inspectors and occupational hygiene consultants are AHERA certified, and AREC maintains a Certified Safety Professional on staff. 

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. Their vision is to create a world where no Canadian fears cancer. CCS has a publication called "Mesothelioma - Understanding Your Diagnosis".

The Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation (CMF) is a registered charity dedicated to addressing problems and issues pertaining to mesothelioma in Canada.  CMF's aim is to initiate and foster a network for patients with mesothelioma and their families.  A key component of these efforts is to establish an online community for patients to discuss their experience with others, and a forum for families to support each other through this difficult time.

The Canadian Society for Asbestos Victims (CanSAV) is dedicated to providing support to Canadians families impacted by asbestos-related diseases. CanSAV recognizes the need to accelerate access to health and compensation services through shared, community resources. They encourage impacted families to seek entitlements within existing health and compensation systems and facilitate a toll free service for support.

The Hazardous Materials Association (HMA) is a non-profit association of professional contractors, and other concerned organizations involved in the hazardous materials abatement industry in BC. HMA is committed to safety in the industry, and provide hazardous materials abatement training throughout BC.

WorkSafeBC is dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for the workers and employers of this province. They consult with and educate employers and workers and monitor compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

  • WorkSafeBC's asbestos-specific website is

  • WorkSafeBC created Asbestos: FAQs for homeowners which contains a series of questions and answers (many are questions provided by AREA Fund) about identifying and removing asbestos from homes.

  • WorkSafeBC has an Occupational Exposure Registry for workers, employers, and others to register a worker’s exposure to a harmful substance at work.

If information provided on this website regarding you or your organization is inaccurate,
please email us at and provide the necessary revisions, or request for removal.